Need visual indication that a Topic import is in progress

When a teacher is importing several topics, the process can (understandably) take some time. However, there is no indication that the process has begun. It looks to the teacher like nothing is happening.

A (somewhat impatient) teacher recently selected all topics from last year's class to import into this year, then clicked the Save button. Because she didn't see anything happening, she assumed that she did not click the Save button directly and so clicked it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again, etc. She wound up with 10 copies of each topic on this year's class pages.

When the import process begins, the throbbing circle should be displayed. The Save button should probably be disabled until the import process is complete.

Please protect such teachers from themselves.

  • Brian Gray
  • Jul 23 2024
  • Attach files