Enable audio control on assessment questions with audio

In a recent update (summer/fall 2024), the assessment assignment functionality included a change to the audio playback function. The audio playback is displayed when an audio file is part of an assessment question. In the new playback tool, a separate browser tab opens instead of playing the audio within the assessment window, and the playback bar cannot be manipulated. A student must listen to the entire audio through, they cannot jump forward or back to listen to a specific portion of the audio. Please allow this playback bar to easily control the playback of the audio recording and consider keeping the playback within the assessment and not in a separate tab.

Response from Blackbaud: "...Due to numerous issues with the Playback audio function it was removed and updated to the current standards. School will need to submit an enhancement request for the Audio Playback Functionality... Being said this, this is working as expected. "

  • Matthew Williams
  • Jan 31 2025
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