We would like the ability to edit section identifiers for Community pages.
We used to be able to do this in Podium (see screenshots), and see this as a loss of functionality. Currently schools can edit identifiers for course sections, and this should be consistent with Community as well.
Realistically, I don't see us getting to this in the near future given our other Road Map priorities. However, I will keep this in the backlog for future consideration when we get back around to updating this area.
This is definitely an issue of simply being consistent across the system. We can set section identifiers for activity groups, for athletic groups, for course groups... why not also community groups?
If it's at all helpful, here's a screenshot of how I used it. And a screenshot sample of how I would have to do each one of these if I were to have to replicate something similar in the future. Why would you ever have several sections with the same name? That would be confusion in the extreme.