Give Admins a way to set Default Bulletin Board Layout under Group Page Settings

I would like the ability to set a default layout for onCampus Academic bulletin boards.

This could also extend to Athletic pages, where an athletic director could set the default layout for all the team pages so the coaches just have to fill out the content.

There could possibly also be an option to allow them to move content around after they get their initial default layout.

  • Deleted User
  • Aug 6 2015
  • Implemented
  • Aug 6, 2015

    Admin response

    This idea made it into the July 1st release. There's a new task under onCampus > Settings > Bulletin Board Layout. 

  • Attach files
  • Steve Smail commented
    8 Aug, 2015 05:30pm

    This is really only partially implemented. In the old system, there was a way for us to force reset layouts even for those groups that had customized. Now we only have access to set defaults for groups that have not been customized. After 8 years of rollovers (and customizations stay with rollovers), we effectively have lost that control for almost all groups. So, bring back a force "reset" of a default layout and then this should be considered fully implemented.

  • Deleted User commented
    6 Aug, 2015 11:33am

    Thank you all for your ideas that helped make this feature happen!