This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-730 Option to allow students/parents to see grades but not cumulative grade.
It would be great if you could always choose not to show the Cumulative regardless of your Gradebook set up.
We would love for it to be possible not to show the cumulative grade to parents. There are things that factor into a student's final semester grade besides recorded tests, homework, quizzes, etc. We are left with only the options of displaying the grade book and cumulative average to parents or not displaying the grade book at all. We truly need to have the ability to turn off the "View Cumulative Average" option.
Really need this, we can block Year Cumulative but not Marking period, we need to be able to block both.
***Sorry for the misspelling in the post title***
Currently the sliders on the grade book set up to "hide the Cumulative" don't hide the grade for students only for the teacher. This is an issue since we want students to focus on how they do on assignments and not on their overall grade.
We've asked about this off and on since we first became a Whipple Hill customer about nine years ago (started as a Podium customer and are now using OnCampus). I suspect there was even a request for this in the old User Voice customer feedback portal that was shutdown and replaced sometime after Blackbaud acquired Whipple Hill.
The inability to hide the cumulative grade is a major reason we never promoted using the grade book to share grades with students on individual assessments. It keeps coming up everyone once in a while as I was just asked about it by a teacher here earlier this week so I'd love to this implemented too. Some teachers have just stopped asking and have found other tools for tracking and sharing assessment data with students. Unfortunately, the fragments out where students find this information.
WANT THIS - but please correct the spelling of Cumulative in your topic title and description!
This is a feature that was available in FAWeb and NetClassroom. Our teachers VERY MUCH want to be able to post individual assignment grades, but NOT a running cumulative average. They feel that students then focus on that single number as opposed to the feedback on individual assignments. It's also not an accurate representation of what's going on unless that teacher does daily or weekly class participation grades (many do not).
Having the option to hide/show the cumulative grade is critical for the beginning of the year in our Middle School. It would teachers the opportunity to put the emphasis on learning and growth, rather than final percentages. Additionally, later in the year, it would be nice to have the option to "turn them on" and release the cumulative scores without having to recreate the grade book.
I need this immediately!
This is an essential piece for students to understand that percentage grades do not always line up with the letter grade that represents their progress in the class. Teachers must be able to communicate effectively to our students and parents. Currently all comments are connected to cumulative grades. The teacher needs to be able to communicate progress to the student without the class being connected to a percentage average if the the teachers deems necessary. Allow teachers to show comments without showing percentages.
I don't want cumulative showing for parents/students because it is not accurate for us. We export our grades to an external report card.