Google Docs to Drop Box

I would like to request the ability to migrate Google Docs into Dropbox.
  • Guest
  • Sep 2 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    7 May, 2018 07:59pm

    Here is what one of our faculty members had to say about this:

    I wanted to send you a reminder to ask Blackbaud to make an improvement to their drop box.

    Currently drop box does not allow an easy way to grade and return work.  Google classroom DOES allow us to open up the turned in pdf easily, write on it with the apple pencil, and then send the marked up assignment directly to the student.

    It would be great if Blackbaud would allow for that as well.

    Currently I have to add my assignments online twice – once on Blackbaud and once on google classroom.

    Thanks for providing Blackbaud with this feedback.  It would be great if they could fix it!!

  • +1