Shaded Grade Book Field when Faculty-Entered Comments are Present

The red triangle flag can mean many different things in the grade book, and teachers would like a way to know if they have entered comments for a specific grade on a student. Since the red triangle flag can appear for attendance issues, they would like to see the entire table cell for grades with a teacher-entred comment to become shaded.

This is partially an idea for similar visual notification as FAWeb, but it also makes sense that if a faculty member did something to make a flag appear, that the notification would be represented with something different than the system-generated notification flag. Ideally, it would shade the field green (or another color, not red); so that a grade book entry with both a teacher-entered comment AND a system-generated comment (like AD - Absent) would appear as a green shaded field with a red triangle.

  • Jimmy Cudzilo
  • Sep 14 2015
  • Attach files
  • Scott Durham commented
    September 07, 2016 00:03

    It would also be helpful for individual teachers to be able to choose whether this information is displayed in their grade books. Teachers do not always need to know every time a student was not at school when as assignment was Assigned or Due.

  • Michelle Eutizi commented
    August 29, 2016 15:37

    My thoughts exactly.