Bulk Message Teachers Of and Edit/Delete Messages

It would be helpful if an advisor or teacher of a student could communicate with all "teachers of" that student.  Especially if something is going on with a particular student (divorce, death in the family, academic struggles, bullying, etc).  It could easily be added under the progress view for a student.  On the flip side, as suggested by David Andrews (Title "All teacher message button"), it would also be helpful for a parent to communicate with all the teachers of their child (see reasons above).

This should include the currently available bulk communication option of sending via email.  Also, it should update based on term(s) selected.

  • Chuck Andres
  • Sep 17 2015
  • Attach files
  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    21 Mar, 2023 01:08pm

    Please link this idea to K12OC-I-1439, "The ability to send a message to all of the teachers for a particular student."