Locking Google Drive Documents when submitted by students

I don't know if this feature is possible but when a student submits a google drive document, students are still able to edit this document on their end. Is it possible to have the document locked until the teacher gives them access to it? I know this is a feature in Google Classroom but not sure if it is possible when submitting to Blackbaud.

  • Joshua Blice
  • Sep 18 2015
  • Attach files
  • Melissa McHale commented
    23 Sep, 2021 04:06pm

    allowing students to continue editing the doc after a due encourages academic dishonesty. This needs to be implemented.

  • Shelley Shinabarger commented
    7 Dec, 2020 05:35pm

    no, I do not like this idea.

  • Josh Quaid commented
    21 Feb, 2019 04:14pm

    Over 3 years, 110 votes, and no response from Blackbaud. At a minimum you need to be responding to trending ideas. Stop picking and choosing your ideas and listen to your community like you say you will. You have implemented ideas that have 2 votes, this is a major issue for all Google schools.

  • Gemma Booth commented
    31 Aug, 2018 03:46pm

    Great idea so I am not grading a "live" document that can be changed

  • Guest commented
    31 Aug, 2018 03:38pm

    Yes. Please approve this possible edit. 

  • Josh Quaid commented
    31 Aug, 2018 03:20pm

    Google Classroom has this feature, and it is very missed in our school. I am assuming this all works through their API as well, but needs to be configured. 

  • Kathryn Nguyen commented
    25 Aug, 2018 03:07am
  • Guest commented
    12 Jul, 2017 07:00pm

    This is easy to do with Google Classroom - check it out!

  • Guest commented
    7 Apr, 2016 01:42pm

    Please add the change that will eliminate the need for students to upload documents from their Google Drive in PDF format. 

  • John Egan commented
    7 Apr, 2016 09:40am

    I am pretty sure this will have more to do with Google than Whipple Hill. The only way I see this being accomplished, is that the students make the teacher owner of the document (presentation or sheet), and when the teacher goes to grade the assignment, they turn off the editing feature for the student (put in view only).  

  • Chris Stephenson commented
    18 Sep, 2015 12:54pm

    This is an excellent idea and one that I would support from the Academic Director perspective.  One of the biggest concerns that the teachers in my school are sharing with me is that final summative assessment is not locked and subject to student change.  This is acceptable during the formative process but for a final grade, this needs to be addressed.  

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