Turn on Blocks for assignment publish to sections

I would like the blocks to be visible for a teachers classes not only the My Day Assignment Center, but also when you go to create an assignment in the individual classes and want to publish the assignment to other sections of the class.
  • Deleted User
  • Sep 18 2015
  • Attach files
  • Catherine Paul commented
    30 Oct, 2020 08:21pm

    When setting up assignments for various sections of the same course, the most pertinent information for me as a teacher is the block. It appears some places this year, which is helpful, but not everywhere. When it's missing, I need to look at my notebook to remember what section number each block has. I'd very much appreciate having the block always linked to a class. Thank you!

  • Carl LaCombe commented
    30 Oct, 2020 07:28pm

    I identify my classes by their block letter, not by the section number. When the block letter is missing, I have to work much harder to figure out which section I should be changing dates for.

  • Christine Nichols commented
    30 Oct, 2020 05:06pm

    For Assignment Publishing Options, unify the way the section appears across all access points to assignments. Please include course name, section number, and block.