Advisors should have access to Advisee's Grade book Grades via a Report

I would like Advisors to have access to Advisee's Grade book Grades via the Assignment- By Student for All Sections. I would only like this to be run for the Advisors specific Advisees not all Students in School. I gave Advisors access to this report but this will let them run it for all students all grades not just their Advisees
  • Deleted User
  • Sep 18 2015
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  • Amy Sanga commented
    14 Dec, 2021 02:48am

    restricting access just for their advisees makes sense. We don’t want all advisers, especially faculty advisors, to have access to all student grades.

  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    14 Sep, 2017 04:30pm

    This would be a huge help!  Our advisors are quite frustrated with the fact that each report must be run individually for each advisee.  We want to be able to run a single report, with grade book grades, for all advisees.  

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