Add an option for Advisors of Advsory to be able to access Classes in Group Page Access for their students only.

Our advisors need to be able to review their advisees grades but can only do so if they teach that student in one of their classes.  Enabling "Advisor" role access for Classes in Group Page Access gives all advisors (essentially all faculty K-12) to all HS students.  We would prefer to narrow that group access to the appropriate advisors only.

  • Jason Hiett
  • Oct 14 2015
  • Attach files
  • Audrey Peebles commented
    17 Nov, 2015 02:08am

    the same concept that is used for parents viewing student's classes should be applied to advisors as well.  As far as I can see, advisors really should have the same access and viewing rights as parents, but only for their advisees.