It would be helpful for the report “Comments – by student” that is currently only accessible through the teacher’s gradebook reports to be available within the general reports module as opposed to only at the teacher level. We would like this report to be accessible to a few elevated roles, such as advisors. Also, we would like the report to have the ability to filter by class section, grade level, and/or student along with the option to only pull those who have a cumulative grade in any class lower than a certain number. This report is a great snapshot of a student’s overall progress during the quarter. It could also be utilized for athletic eligibility checks.
The closest report to this is the “Assignment – By Student for all Sections” but this report does not include the option to pull “all” students within a grade. It also does not include assignment comments, and does not have the ability to only pull students below a certain cumulative average.
A report with this ability is definitely needed.
Thank you for your consideration!