Notify parents and students when an assignment becomes overdue, missing or incomplete

The following request came in from a parent at our school:  

I just had a couple questions that have come to my attention this morning…my son has some incomplete assignments that he does not see on his assignment page and do not show up as active/due today.  They show up only when you open the “green book”.   I would think that being incomplete they should be still listed under Active? And listed on his assignments page?  When I log in as a parent it is the same thing.  Is there a way assignments like this could be brought to both the parent and students attention say as soon as they sign in?

  • Audrey Peebles
  • Oct 29 2015
  • Implemented
  • Sep 16, 2016

    Admin response

    Great news! We recently released a Missing Assignment list that Student's can view from their Assignment Center. It's an aggregate of all Missing Assignments across all their classes. Advisors can also track Missing Assignments for their Advisee's from their Advisory Roster. 

    Our intent is to help keep missing work from falling through the cracks. Would love to hear how your school community has reacted to the update! Is it helping or do we still need to do more around Missing Assignments? 



  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 05, 2017 12:40

    I would echo what Colin Monaghan wrote--it would be ideal if the large, red "Missing Assignment" button stayed at the top of a student's assignment center for as long as they had ANY missing assignments, no matter how old. It could also be useful for any missing assignments to stay at the top of the student's assignment center, so they have a much harder time ignoring them. 

    The fact that they roll off the page is creating problems for the very students who need the organizational help from onCampus the most!

  • S Long commented
    September 22, 2016 03:49

    Is there a report that our educational support staff member can run to see all of the students with Missing Assignments? 



  • Colin Monaghan commented
    September 20, 2016 17:08

    A step in the right direction, thanks! I have some additional thoughts:

    First, I agree with Liz that teachers need a quick way to view this info. I realize there's a report in the gradebook, but this takes many clicks and doesn't link to those assignments. Not exactly "at-a-glance" which is what I need. As a teacher, it just looks like everything is "Graded" and good to go. Perhaps another column next to the "Graded" column that indicates the number of missing assignments?

    Second, it's still a little confusing to have this "missing" flag totally separate from submission status. Students might see a bunch of red "Overdue" buttons in their assignment list, but have no "missing" assignments. Or vice versa. Right? Or am I missing something?

    I used to just leave missing work ungraded, which allowed me to use the "Graded" column as a missing work list, too. And for online submissions, students would see this work as red incomplete rather than green graded. But now when I marked something "missing" it also marks it as "graded" (even if there's no actual grade assigned). So I'm not sure what to do....what's the best workflow for both students AND teachers to track missing work?

  • Guest commented
    September 16, 2016 16:20

    Great work Jackie!

    Would it be possible to get the Missing Assignments icon into the assignment area of the class page itself (for students and teachers to view)? Some students may be more likely to look for assignments class by class instead of using the assignment, the more reminders the better!

    Some students may be more likely to look for assignments class by class instead of using the assignment, the more reminders the better! And, I know teachers would love to get this information quickly without having to run a missing assignment report.

    Thanks again!

  • Colin Monaghan commented
    May 07, 2016 03:56

    This seems like a major issue that needs to be addressed. Our primary reason for using onCampus is to help students keep track of their daily homework and avoid missing/late work. But missing assignments just roll off the page after the due date and students rarely go looking for them. When an assignment has not been turned in, it needs to stay "active" and appear in the default views on the Assignment center and class Assignments. Otherwise the system is only helping the students that are staying on top of their work already.

  • Guest commented
    November 17, 2015 17:53
