We have a new modal students and parents will be utilizing when they click into 'See grade details' from their progress page. With that update, we'll be including the ability for teachers and admin to translate cumulative values using a Letter Grade Scale.
Keep a lookout in the Community and What's New for more information on this updated experience!
In the aspect of equity in grading, we need to be moving away from a 100 point scale that ranks failure as almost 60% of the grades that you can earn. It would be good to be able to present cumulative grades as letters (or on 4.0 scale)
When we talk about grades we talk about putting students first. Parents too. It only makes sense to build in "Letter Grade Scales" that work simply, effectively.
This is such a basic, common feature, it is shocking this option does not exist in onCampus. Assigning a translation table is foundational to any system for the purpose of displaying numeric grades with letter grades. We really need this added.
Hey Folks -
We have a new modal students and parents will be utilizing when they click into 'See grade details' from their progress page. With that update, we'll be including the ability for teachers and admin to translate cumulative values using a Letter Grade Scale.
Keep a lookout in the Community and What's New for more information on this updated experience!
This is a super important upgrade -- it is core to the philosophy of grading in a way that is equitable and simple. Please please add this!
In the aspect of equity in grading, we need to be moving away from a 100 point scale that ranks failure as almost 60% of the grades that you can earn. It would be good to be able to present cumulative grades as letters (or on 4.0 scale)
Or a rubric grade
When we talk about grades we talk about putting students first. Parents too. It only makes sense to build in "Letter Grade Scales" that work simply, effectively.
Once again, why is this basic feature not available after almost 3 years‽
This is such a basic, common feature, it is shocking this option does not exist in onCampus. Assigning a translation table is foundational to any system for the purpose of displaying numeric grades with letter grades. We really need this added.
And to allow letter grades to appear as letter grades in the cumulative.