Main Calendar - Change Assignments view to due date, not just Active

I know this can be done in the assignment center but I was wondering if it could be done in the Main Calendar in onCampus

  • J.P. Trudeau
  • Nov 13 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 06, 2018 15:24

    Without this feature, students have a very difficult time reading their calendar. It is very frustrating for both the teachers and students as we have to change it every time.

  • Guest commented
    January 06, 2016 18:03

    I would love to change all the defaults to view by due dates.Especially on the calendar

  • Guest commented
    January 06, 2016 16:18

    Many teachers at our school are interested in this feature. They would like to be able to change the default to be viewed by due date. Right now it is confusing for students and teachers if multiple assignments are entered on one date.