Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-126 Allow retake of assessment or upload of assignment even if a score is entered for the student in the gradebook.

Assessments and Commit to Gradebook Merged

Currently when you commit a grade to the gradebook, it locks the student from being able to retake it. Teachers would like a way to put in a Zero in the gradebook to show up in the student's average. They would also like to be able to still let the student retake if they extend the deadline or mark as incomplete or something along those lines.

  • Joshua Blice
  • Feb 17 2016
  • Megan Day commented
    March 03, 2020 16:01

    The way onCampus handles retakes, late submissions, and committing assessment grades to the gradebook is very counterintuitive. I regularly get questions from teachers about how the whole process works. Usually the teacher is trying to let a student retake an assessment or make up the assessment because they were sick. They go into the assessment and mess with lots of settings (Clicking the "extend" button, adding a number into "Days late", clicking "Allow Retake") but still can't get the assessment to open for the student.

    Almost always, the reason is because they gave the student a "0" in the gradebook. Since onCampus considers it "graded" it won't allow the student to take the assessment until the "0" is deleted from the gradebook. This is confusing because we emphasize to our teachers that they should give students a "0" for all missing assignments so a student's grade is affected until assignments are made up. We do this because just checking the "Missing" option on an assignment does not motivate students to complete work. If their gradebook cumulative is affected, they will put in the effort to figure out how to make up the work.

    The fact that a teacher can't grade an assessment from the Results page is very annoying too. To enter a grade for a student (other than their recieved score on the assessment) or to delete a grade to allow a retake, they have to leave the Results page, open the gradebook, find the assessment, and add/delete the grade. Lots of extra steps for something that should be fairly simple.

    Here is a possible solution: If a teacher clicks "Allow Retake" or "Extends" and there is currently a grade in the gradebook (regardless of the score) a notification should pop-up saying that the student currently has a grade and that allowing a retake will remove the previous grade.