Take away the feature that allows students to mark an assignment as complete.

Students are able to mark unfinished, or even not started assignments, as complete, so when their parents sign in to look at their progress it seems like everything is done. It also makes it so the assignment does not show up as late on the teacher's side of it. An assignment should only be marked as completed once they turn something in.

  • Guest
  • Feb 24 2016
  • Unlikely to implement
  • Attach files
  • Jackie Christensen commented
    29 Feb, 2016 06:46pm

    Hi There,

    At this time, Parents do not see the assignment status in their view. It's an organization tool intended for Students to keep track of their homework commitments. 

    Students can only self manage the status for Assignments that do not have a system trigger (Online Submission, Discussion, Assessment). We've received positive feedback from students. 

    So I don't see us changing this behavior in the near term. 

