Larger Font Needed In Registration Detail Report

I'm printing a registration in either Word or PDF format..  I'm in Event Registration Forms  »  WSD 2017 Registration » Reg ID: ###.  (Registration Detail Report?) The resulting document is in 7.5 font.  I need take this document, enter the details and file it.  The font is WAY TOO SMALL and I'm told there is no option to make it larger.  Yes, I can play around with it in Word but I have to copy and paste the 3 parts of this document to a new word file to make the font larger.  This is way to cumbersome and unreasonable!  7.5 font also unreasonable.  Please contact me if this is unclear and make this correction immediately!  Thank you!

  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
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  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    January 10, 2017 18:26

    Hmm, I just tried that report too- I agree that the font is very, very small. I tried  just doing a "select all" and changing the font size of everything, but I see what you mean about it being in different parts- some of it gets cut off. It sounds like you are only using some of the data from the report. Have you tried pulling the data into an excel spreadsheet? If it needs to be in a Word doc, you could then try running a mail merge with the parts that you need.