Calendar Start on Specific Month

It would be great to be able to start a calendar page on a specific month. This would be used specifically for summer camps by our institution. Right now, they'll have to scroll through a few month before they can get to the summer months. 

  • Guest
  • Jan 26 2017
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  • Marie Campione commented
    April 21, 2021 14:50

    We have a separate BB website for our summer camp. The only relevant months are June and July and we want to limit the calendar page on the website to display only those two months.

    We populate the summer camp calendar months (June and July) in February to start promoting camp registration - The relevant information (summer camp listings in June and July) are what people visit this site ( to see – they usually begin registering in March-May, so when they go to the calendar in March, April and May to view what camps are offered during the summer, the calendar page shows them the current month (ex: March, which currently displays after school programs that also live on that calendar) vs defaulting to the months that contain summer camp info (June and July). We also want to use the calendar to increase SEO (Google to pick up on the specific camp info listed in June and July calendars).