Improved options for notifications

There is a need for more options with regards to notifications when an individual is both a parent and an employee.

Scenario: An individual had multiple children attending the school.  The same individual works in the school store.  As a parent she will receive email sent to her regarding each of her students including academic or conduct related items that should be limited to her personal email address.  She also receives administrative notifications from the store when an online order is placed, (take a moment to imagine the volume of notifications at the beginning of school or around the holidays).

You should have the option to choose which email address receives the notifications for each reason.  

Since the user does not want the store notifications to go to her personal address my only option is to force her to use her work email address for all organization emails (not just notifications)


This idea can easily be included under a couple of other ideas:




  • Gregg
  • Sep 20 2017
  • Attach files
  • Danielle Keeney commented
    26 Nov, 2019 03:07pm

    Being able to identify parent vs employee for Notifications and Pushpages would make a series of our users very happy especially the part-time people who are not always in their work email but need to keep up on their parent-related emails.