Promotion or Discount Code capability for STORE

In addition to our earlier request for more than one payment portal capability in store (for example Fine Arts, Booster Club Store - our payments are paid to different accounts so we need to be able to choose the corresponding payment portal. etc.), we at HHCA also request that a feature be added giving us the capability to offer a discount code. We like to be able to share the discount code(s) with certain people or groups (for example, faculty).  Much like, it would be great to have option to offer more than one discount or promotion code. Certainly when adding the discount code update, don't limit us to just one.  :)

Thank you.

  • Guest
  • Oct 4 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 14, 2018 14:38

    Definitely! We could use it as an incentive for alums.

  • Gregg commented
    September 14, 2018 14:35

    This would be a great option to have!