We, and many other Independent schools, are working toward making our website accessible for all visitors. Through our research, we have uncovered many areas in which our site does not currently comply with WCAG 2.0 level AA website accessibility standards, and Blackbaud does not offer us a solution within onMessage to make the necessary changes to become compliant. Website accessibility is a serious issue that all schools are facing, whether they realize it or not, and we must all stress the importance of this to the Blackbaud developers.
Below is a list of accessibility issues that are required to be addressed, but are not currently attainable through the onMessage CMS.
There are numerous other areas where it is not clear if the onMessage system does not make it clear if the sites are adhering to the standards. We need Blackbaud to take accessibility seriously and offer schools a solution to the many outstanding problems that are impacting users of our websites.
The July and August release contained all the missing functionality we identified that has prevented our sites from being fully WCAG 2.1 AA compliant.
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