Pushpage: Multiple Distribution Groups
I would like to request that Pushpage jobs be enabled to allow me to send to multiple distribution groups--in other words, rather than having to create new lists or new distribution groups that combine existing lists, I should be able to choose multiple groups to send to. Adding multiple Distribution groups would make it so that if I already have that group setup, I can quickly pull the group needed without creating an entire new one.
I would also like you to allow the Pushpages to have individual emails added to them.
Hey @Rick Geyer it is supposed to be deduping across lists yes (per our advisor thread on that topic earlier this week). I haven't seen anything come up from support yet from Cheryl or anyone else for issues there that we can reproduce. If you've seen that not happening with yours can you let me know if you have a support ticket in and I can take a look? If we can get reproducing scenarios from schools it will help expedite troubleshooting. Thanks!
So This is implemented now? Does it dedup when selecting multiple distribution groups?
so sorry all! A miss on my part. Development did the tech research to determine level of effort but the work itself isn't complete. It will be done in the next few weeks. Setting back to planned.
Why was this idea markeed as implmented? As of June 21, 2020 you can only send a push page to 1 distrunbtion group.
I see that this idea was just marked as "implemented" but unless I'm missing something, I don't believe that this accurate. Could someone please show me how to send a pushpage to multiple distribution groups? For example, if I have a distribution group created for each grade level and I need to send a pushpage to grades 2,3, and 8, I would like to select those three distribution groups and send them one pushpage. I know that I could create a new distribution group with lists to pull together grades 2,3, and 8, but this means I need to create distribution groups for every possible combination which is not efficient.
It's ridiculous that the product doesn't have this support already. We frequently need to send email to select grade levels or various combinations of parent/student lists. Having to create a separate distribution list for each of these job cumbersome and time-consuming. Selecting from a lengthy drop-down of distribution lists is frankly a terrible experience. The user experience is currently awful and I hope that it can be fixed.
We recently moved from Senior Systems, and this is one area in which Senior Systems leaves Blackbaud in the dust. Emails could be sent by checking boxes for student and/or parent grade levels. The software built the recipient lists dynamically, without the user having to create and maintain their own lists.
I concur with the users request above. It would be very helpful to be able to add multiple distribution lists to one pushpage.
We would also like to be able to add additional individuals manually that are not in the distribution group.
This is a big deal, we hope to see change soon!
Honestly this is something we expected when signing on with this company for our total website and communication efforts. It's a bit surprising that this platform does not have it, but I am interested to see if (1) they have recognized these comments from a few months ago, and (2) are working on a solution.
Absolutely!!! We are just implementing and we have used constant contact the last several years. We might not be able to give it up as soon as I hoped until we can't easily send to multiple lists and the list to distribution group creates a bottle neck
This is a great idea and one that I thought I had heard that WhippleHill was working on. This would be a definite time saver.
This is a great idea and one that I thought I had heard that WhippleHill was working on. This would be a definite time saver.