Add opt out to news feed

Parents are signing up for news in their settings, then become past parents, or change phone and the feeds keep sending to the email/text that they provided years earlier and causing frustration.  In one case, the phone number had been repurposed to someone else and we could not find the phone using an Advance List query of all phones.  This is because it was set up by someone using the settings option for opting in to news and Advanced Lists aren't able to pull from that data. 

If the news feed would allow a phone user to opt out of the feed with the touch of a button that would help as many will want to opt out once their child has graduated.

Or if the Advanced lists would at least allow us to pull a list of who has feeds they set up via their settings, then we could at least search for phone/email in question and turn it off when we are contacted and requested to cease sending news to a phone number or email.

  • Guest
  • Oct 11 2018
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