Prevent broken notification links/Expand text block limit beyond 160 characters

When creating an emergency text (Announcements>Emergency Notifications), even with a very short Headline, the link auto-generated by BB is so long it often exceeds the 160-character text block limit, thereby breaking the "see more detail" login link into two separate texts rendering it functionally useless.  This is terrible in an emergency situation when users are panicked to learn the details.  Either create a way to significantly shorten the associated link or expand the text block 160-character limit.  This "suggestion" from your KB is useless:


Notifications send out automatic links [URL] from the news story. We only allow 160 characters in a notification, therefore if the header of the news story is too long it will split the notification in two and break the link, causing it not to work.

Article Number: 23839


  • Blackbaud School Website System


  • Guest
  • Feb 12 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    February 12, 2019 18:48

    PLEASE attend to this. Otherwise, a key function of BB is unusable. We will need to consider other options.