Add "Game Canceled" option to the new team schedule style

At this time, the "Team Schedule New" detail page option does not have cancelled as a display field. This new schedule style is much nicer than the old one, but this is an important feature as it's no longer indicated when a game is canceled.

  • Audra Harris
  • Feb 6 2020
  • Attach files
  • Austin Ewachiw commented
    February 06, 2020 14:53

    I want to piggy back on this, and also add a few suggestions before we can switch...

    1. I think a lot of real estate is taken up having both Vs. or @, AND having a Location column.  I would suggest just making the Vs. Team, or @ Team be the hyperlink to the direction popup.  I understand that all games may not be at home or away locations, but this is rarer than needing a dedicated Location coumn.

    2. Right now, when I view our Basketball schedule, there are 10 dates and the bottom that have no Opponent, Time or Result values.  This is because they are a Tournament that has no teams yet.   In our current schedule there is a value that reads "Semi, Quarter, Finals"etc...  This value should also show on the new schedue.



  • Guest commented
    February 06, 2020 14:17

    This should be an easy thing to add. Every school has the issue of cancelled games on occasion, so an option to add it seems logical.