Request for additional Pushpage placeholders
I would like to be able to send a Pushpage with decision information for candidates. I would like these placeholders added to meet these needs:
Household Salutation
Candidate's Name
Applying for Grade
Entering Year
I would like the ability to add a placeholder for any question on an inquiry. For example, I want the ability to have enough information in the system generated internal message, so that everyone handles their responsibility without me formwarding that email to those it is relavant to. Year of Interest, grade (has that) and custom candidate fields with events they want to attend. See attached.
Additionally, we would like to be able to display HOST ID of the users in the push page addressed to them so that they can copy and past into surveys for tracking.
Additionally, placeholders for other data such as address and phone number so that we could push to alums, for instance, and tell them to check the info in the push, and if incorrect, direct them to update their profiles.