Add ability to view where (on which pages) content parts or widgets are being used

There are times we need to edit a content part (links, for example), and need to know if it's being used in other web pages. It would add efficiency to our work process and prevent changing content on other pages in error.

  • S. Norcini
  • Feb 23 2022
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    • Marie Campione commented
      February 03, 2023 20:37

      We have the same issue - so much content over many years / two websites. No way to know where it is being used (or if it does at all)! I started adding a * to content that I know is 'active' (this does not let me know where, just indicates that the content is being displayed on our website and/or resource board tiles). Content that I can confirm is old and not currently being used gets renamed with a 'z_' in front of the name to move it to the bottom of the content list. This is not an ideal system - we really need to be able to know where content is being shared

    • S. Norcini commented
      February 23, 2022 17:35

      This is also very much needed to determine which content parts are being used. We are on our second Blackbaud K-12 website, and we have so many content parts - some used only on the old site, some used only on the new site and some used in both!