Would like old Media Gallery Features brought back from Podium

In Podium, I used to be able to download Thumbnails from the Media Gallery. Now, I have the option to download photos, but they are not in the Thumbnail view. I want the ability to download Thumbnails from the Media Gallery (like Podium used to do) as well as the ability to search the Media Gallery for albums.
  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2015
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  • Karen Tracy commented
    19 Jul, 2017 07:57pm

    I also remember being able to see the contents of an album in its entirety so that you could select images to view.  Viewing an album one image at a time in slideshow format is clunky and annoying, especially if the album is large.  You should be able to locate the set of pix you want to take a closer look at by viewing the entire album's thumbnail contents, like you used to be able to do!  And then download the image(s) you want.

  • +1