Emergency Bulletin - options for dismissing it

We recently created an Emergency Bulletin for our upcoming open house.

We noticed that after you “X” out of the emergency bulletin alert, that you no longer see it anytime you go back to our homepage.

We want it to serve as a reminder each time you visit our website. HOWEVER, ideally, we can add a button to the alert that says “Don’t show again” so that if the user chooses that button, the alert disappears forever. Otherwise, it would be best if the alert could pop up again each time you visit the site, unless you specifically tell us not to show it again.
  • Deleted User
  • Oct 13 2015
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Becky Risch commented
    8 Jul, 2020 03:09pm

    Also, with Covid, these boxes are more important than ever, so it'd be great for Blackbaud to enhance this feature.

  • Becky Risch commented
    8 Jul, 2020 03:09pm

    If you choose "Persistent" the box keeps showing up even if people close it. Another option would be to have it keep showing up until the user closes it. And then, have it appear only on the next visit. OR, even better, allow the admin to choose how long in between having the user close the box and displaying it again. That is common practice in web advertising - no more than once every 12 hours (or some version of that).

  • Guest commented
    19 Mar, 2020 03:23pm

    If there is an option to "Don't show again" there should also be an option in the back end to force show again for all just in case you have updated the content in the Bulletin.