Assignment Notification: Include Assignment Details

Need a placeholder for Assignment Details in the email notification for Assignment Added. Parents are requesting that the emails include the actual assignment, so they don't have to log in to read it.

  • Guest
  • Oct 28 2015
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Heath Montgomery commented
    5 Oct, 2020 04:41pm

    Students should have a "request resubmit" button that would allow them to upload a revised file after getting feedback/corrections. The placeholder revision file would save many emails back and forth between the student and the teacher and could be adopted as a replacement for the first draft once it si accepted.

  • Angela Addison commented
    17 Jul, 2020 09:29pm

    Hi all, I show that we have assignment name, assigned date, due date and category as placeholders in the email notification setup (as well as the link to open the assignment). Admins choose which details they include or not include. This is probably just outdated but let me know if this didn't do it. thanks!