Handling store orders individually by clicking "edit" then switching the drop down bar to "handled" and then saving is so tedious if you're working with even more than just one page of orders. Please make handling store orders in bulk available!!! The ability to sell items through the store is wonderful but since we sell food, hot lunches, and spirit wear through the store just editing and maintaining this part of the website is so time consuming and difficult to maintain. Thank you for the consideration!
We would like the ability to mark orders handled in bulk. (Similar to the ability to the check box functionality on custom forms.) We are pulling orders with 70+ items and filling the orders from there. The only way to mark as handled is to go into each item individually. This is very time consuming and unnecessary.
Handling store orders individually by clicking "edit" then switching the drop down bar to "handled" and then saving is so tedious if you're working with even more than just one page of orders. Please make handling store orders in bulk available!!! The ability to sell items through the store is wonderful but since we sell food, hot lunches, and spirit wear through the store just editing and maintaining this part of the website is so time consuming and difficult to maintain. Thank you for the consideration!
We still need this. We have 872 orders this year and each must be individually opened in order to mark as handled.
We would like the ability to mark orders handled in bulk. (Similar to the ability to the check box functionality on custom forms.) We are pulling orders with 70+ items and filling the orders from there. The only way to mark as handled is to go into each item individually. This is very time consuming and unnecessary.