Add Event Registration forms into a page similar to Custom Forms

We would like the ability to add event registration forms into an onMessage page similar to the custom forms functionality.  The current pop-up feature of the event registration form is creating a lot of frustration for online users with enabled pop-up blockers or slow page loading browsers.  If the event registration form functioned like the custom form that would resolve this issue.

  • Tanisha Guthrie
  • Mar 29 2016
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    21 Aug, 2018 07:28pm

    We have issues also where a person payment is not processed yet they show up as registered for an event and when a payment comes in later they may count as more than one person.

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    23 Aug, 2017 01:45pm

    With the August 23rd, 2017 monthly release, Event registrations will now render as part of the default Event detail page.  If you click the 'Register' link from a calendar event or event list, the registration appears in the body of the event detail page.  If you distribute a registration URL, including via Pushpage, the user that clicks on the URL will land on the event detail page to fill out the form.  Thanks for the idea and feedback!

  • Frances O'Neill commented
    6 Jun, 2017 06:47pm

    We are having major issues with this.  I agree with other comments.  It is time to address this issue and provide a form option for event registration.

  • Jim Robb commented
    2 Mar, 2017 05:31pm

    Not only is the pop-up functionality difficult on the desktop, for mobile, scrolling up and down and left and right sometimes occurs on the background page, not the pop-up. PLUS, the non-responsive design of this "design" dates back to at least 2007, with no upgrades since then other than adding the "Next" button at the bottom of the screen. The Mobile experience is a joke and would make anyone throw their device against the wall gladly rather than try to get through a registration.

    I can understand that a company has priorities, but isn't it interesting that Blackbaud does not use the registration tool it expects its customers to use, for the Blackbaud K-12 User Conference. Why is that, I wonder.

  • Julie Horvath commented
    12 May, 2016 07:37pm

    I'm voting for this again as I have just voted on it another request. Can you combine them? The other is called Event Registrations & Custom Forms.

  • +1