Track Announcement Emails Similarly to Pushpages

I would like to track Announcement emails like Pushpage emails where I can see how many users opened the email. Notification History does not provide this information or even the name of the announcement sent.

  • Brandon Schwarzer
  • Mar 29 2016
  • Attach files
  • Julie Horvath commented
    November 07, 2018 16:57

    Yes absolutely!!

  • Guest commented
    March 06, 2018 18:24

    Yes! Also for News Notifications. We send out 15,000 News notifications a month, but we can't track who reads what.

  • Guest commented
    February 02, 2017 17:08

    YES!  This is a 'miss' within the system.  There are many instances where a quick email blast is required to disseminate information and without any tracking, this functionality is useless.