I would like a report of text categories and where they are being used

This would be helpful in keeping out Text content categories organized and knowing where editing on category would effect multiple locations

  • Tim Walker
  • Apr 12 2016
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    • S. Norcini commented
      March 29, 2022 19:52

      This is needed for all content types to be able to safely update or delete ones not being used. Thanks.

    • Melissia Mason commented
      February 10, 2022 20:52

      This has been sitting here since 2016... any way to bump this back into Blackbaud's attention? How many upvotes does an idea need in order to get considered?

    • S Long commented
      July 02, 2018 16:55

      It would actually be more helpful if ALL Content Categories could list beside it where it is being used (similar to what has been done in onRecord > Settings > Grading > Assessment Skills. Then be able to use the SKY reporting to sort the list. As it is now, we keep a spreadsheet where categories are being used on the website; extremely time consuming!

    • Guest commented
      December 12, 2016 16:23

      I have problems with categories no longer in use but still *live* in the content type. This would make it easy to identify repetitive content and content no longer in use!