Ability to hide Recent Activity from a specific persona.

This would be helpful for our school. We have received feedback that looking at Featured Content and Recent Activity can be confusing. If we were able to hide this feature from parent groups, it may avoid content overload.

  • Guest
  • Jun 22 2016
  • Attach files
  • Rosemary Davis commented
    22 Sep, 2021 05:05pm

    Agreed, especially with the note about candidates/candidate parents having access. We often post photo albums that are "public" (ie. a parent could send along to a grandparent who does not have a portal account), but that we don't publish -truly- publicly.

  • Nathan Fuller commented
    29 Jan, 2019 08:12pm

    Currently, parents in the admissions process can see this as well. This seems like a huge privacy/security issue if they aren't parents yet.