Ability reorder fields by drag and drop in Custom Forms

I hate it when I forget to put something in, in the middle of a form, and then I have to go and look at the numbers and figure out where to add in the forgotten field, and sometimes have to renumber them...  So much easier to just drag fields up and down.

  • Guest
  • Aug 5 2016
  • Attach files
  • Amy Roberts commented
    December 12, 2016 15:22

    A drag and drop re-order is much needed for checkbox lists as well! Right now if you need to add another option, you have to re-type all of the entries in the desired order.

  • Amy Roberts commented
    December 08, 2016 17:48

    This is needed for checkbox lists! If you need to add another entry, you have to go back and re-type all of the entries in the desired order. Drag and drop would be much better!

  • Amy Roberts commented
    December 08, 2016 17:46

    This is much needed for checkbox lists! If you need to add a field, you have to go back and retype each entry in the desired order. Drag and drop would be much better.