Allow Learning Profiles to be Updated and have Progress Section

We want to use ONE Learning Profile for the entire year and sometimes the accommodations change and there is no way to change this without creating a new form. In addition, we want our specialists to update the form to document student progress and there is no way to do this.

  • Julie Farr
  • Apr 18 2017
  • Attach files
  • Lisa Saunders commented
    12 Oct, 2017 02:31pm

    This would be incredibly helpful as right now we have to make a new profile every time something is changed for the student. It is a lot of work and would be more efficient for the team if they could edit - or copy the profile to keep an historical record, deactivate the old and edit the new.

  • Laura Wyzykowski commented
    16 Jun, 2017 12:38pm

    We need to be able to make changes to the form even if there are kids who have them activated already.

  • Cynthia Addison commented
    21 Apr, 2017 06:09pm

    And please add either attachments or complete formatting options for Learning Profiles!