Need the ability to rank courses for priority in scheduling

Right now, we can only designate courses as core and elective. We would like the ability to tell it which courses to schedule first. In our old system, Powerschool, we could run a course rank and rerank the few courses that it was having difficulty scheduling. 

  • Amy Calhoun
  • Jun 7 2017
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    • Admin
      Julia Meseck commented
      June 07, 2017 14:26

      Hi Amy, This can actually be done today.  You are able to create your own course types (Core, Settings, Table Values, Course Priority) and place those on the course record.  Then when you run Generate Student Schedules, you can choose to order courses by priority first (or the only option you use).  Also, for Generate Master Schedule, you can use a course list to filter on courses with a specific priority to ensure they get schedule first.