This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-1031 Ability to require students to choose from a list of course options.
I have to look at every student to make sure they are enrolled in all required courses for their grade level. It would be helpful if I could set rules in the Student Enrollments page (under Schedule Maker) that would highlight students that need attention (instead of only being based on number of requests/enrollments). As an example, our Juniors must take 1 English, 1 History, 1 Math, 1 Science, 1 World Language, and 1 additional credit. It would be great if I could list those requirements and have the system check each student record against them instead of just telling me that has enough or not enough classes. It would also be great if I could list the courses that satisfy each of these requirements somewhere (by course configuration, for example). It would also be a nice feature if I could configure the course requests screen to specifically require students to request an English instead of lumping all requests into the same basket.