Teacher Schedule - By Day Name (Grid) // needs to include 'free' times

If a teacher does not teach during a period/meeting time of the day, this report then excludes that time.

We would like to have this information included for the purpose of scheduling study halls. (schedule making information)

Additionally, it would be helpful to have the option to label the dates in this view as A/B/C/D/E/F dates, as they do in the report:

Teacher Schedule - By Date

  • Guest
  • Jun 26 2017
  • Implemented
  • Feb 17, 2020

    Admin response

    An option was added to this report with the December 2019 monthly release so users can select if free times should be included or not.

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    • Guest commented
      August 02, 2017 21:27

      I agree that the teacher's schedule should show the entire week/grid whether they teach or not.  It is what our teachers are used to seeing and visual the grid is difficult to read if you don't have the free periods for teachers included .