Marking Period Agnostic Grade Book Cum feature in Grading so we can have true point in time progress reporting after Semester 1

We would like to have true fidelity would be to have one radio button in the Grading area that says use current Grade Book Year Cumulative - ignore marking periods.


Currently the marking period makes us unable to have a true running cum at grading (progress reporting times) The Marking period forces us to have to create a calculation that is a percentage of each marking period during grading periods and we are required by the tool to have minimum of two marking periods. This ends up breaking the functionality of calculate feature when grading full year classes. Sample use case: Progress report 4 semester 2 happens a bout 4 weeks into semester 2. A year long class can no longer easily calculate a student's grade as they could in the first semester. Pretend a teacher has graded 500 points on (most) students in the 1st semester and has had 1 assessed quiz worth 10 points in the 2nd semester having the grade book cumulative count for 50% is incorrect. That makes that 10pt quiz represent more than it should. now they need to "do the math". If using total points some teachers can run reports and figure out approximately what it represents but not exactly because often there are some students who are not required to turn in work for one reason or another, so each students' total points differ in a class. The teachers that use percentages have an even more difficult time understanding what that calculation may represent because they can only get reports based on grade book categories not on dates. 

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  • Jul 5 2017
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  • Patricia Krueger commented
    February 14, 2023 15:14

    This is really needed for full year courses! Teachers want to be proactive to determine if a student is at risk of failing without running multiple reports and having to figure it out on their own. There needs to be a true cumulative at any given date functionality.

  • Anthony Trumbo commented
    August 24, 2017 20:37

    As an add on to this, perhaps having a couple options for marking periods. For example teachers could choose to use a quarter based marking period where the cumulative resets or a semester based where the grade continues for the full academic term