Add the ability for Academic Performance to calculate off of YTD GPA and not just term

Currently, if a student drops below the minimum required GPA for an Academic Performance for a single term, but the year to date GPA passes that threshold, the student will still not be awarded the Academic Performance. We would like to still be able to award academic performance based upon Year To Date GPA and not Term GPA.

  • Guest
  • Jul 6 2017
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  • Rob Doran commented
    February 15, 2024 19:44

    Yes, we also have this same issue. We had set both Semester Honors as well as Year End Honors, not realizing that it was only pulling the grades and restrictions from the Spring semester into the calculations. It is so disappointing not being able to generate an academic performance based on an entire year of grades. I really hope this ability is added to the system.

  • Karin Kennedy commented
    June 14, 2023 13:17

    Would have been nice to know that this was happening. I don't know why you would allow a GPA calculation to be set for cum or ytd, allows academi honors to pull in the same GOPA calculation and then only have it calculate off term.

  • Guest commented
    June 14, 2021 18:24

    It seems ridiculous that the system can calculate a YTD GPA but won't use that for academic performance.

  • Paul L. commented
    June 02, 2021 20:19

    We just determined that our Final Grade honor roll was incorrect because of the fact that "Generate Academic Performance" uses term and not YTD grades. The only solution is a work around to set them up as awards, but then all grades for students with a qualifying average have to be checked individually to make sure no individual grades are below the minimum of 80. The YTD average is already calculated in grade calculations, whay can't it be used or a selection to be used


  • Joe St.Clair commented
    June 08, 2020 16:20
  • Guest commented
    August 07, 2018 14:15

    We use the YTD Grades for yearly achievements but if it only works per semester.  This should've been address sooner or had been told that it only calculates per semester otherwise, we assumed the calculations were correct and started giving out awards and achievements.  Please make this feature available.  

  • Guest commented
    June 06, 2018 18:47

    Not sure why this is set up this way - logically, you should be able to run an academic performance list off of ANY marking column by just telling to look at that column. Technology is supposed to be making our lives easier so we can focus time on teaching and the students.

  • Cynthia Addison commented
    May 21, 2018 17:48

    Or vice versa. A student with a higher term GPA but a lower YTD GPA. We inquire every year but still have to test and compare lists because of the errors. It is double work and makes the Academic Performance calculations for year-end useless.

  • LoisAnne Cefarello commented
    July 10, 2017 12:31

    Absolutely needed.  Having to manually go in and correct each 'failing' students grade is tedious.  I would love to see this capability added.