Need option to select in any term on the course request page when requesting courses in bulk.

We would like the ability to select any term when we are requiring a course. For instance, we have students in four exploratory courses in 6th grade. We don't care which term they take it. However, in the current set up, you have to designate a term when you try to enter course requests in bulk. 

  • Amy Calhoun
  • Jul 17 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Amy Calhoun commented
    17 Jul, 2017 07:35pm

    Thank you. Your chat person said it couldn't be done. 

  • Admin
    Julia Meseck commented
    17 Jul, 2017 07:27pm

    You can actually do this today if you use the new way to bulk add course requests (Procedures, Schedule Maker, Course Request tile, More Action, Enter Requests).  The legacy way of bulk requiring courses (Procedures, Course Requests) will be removed in the July release since the new way covers that task and then some!