Bulk exclude courses from GPA Calculation

When you need to exclude several hundred courses from a GPA calculation, a bulk import option on onRecord> Settings> Grading> Calculations> (edit calcualtion)> tab 5. Exclusions

  • Guest
  • Aug 14 2017
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  • Cecilia Kwilos commented
    February 19, 2021 19:09

    I also would prefer the exclusion-type interface, where all courses are initially selected, and I could de-select the very few courses I want to include in the GPA. But I'd welcome any version of the capability to efficiently exclude most courses from a GPA calculation.

  • Guest commented
    December 05, 2018 20:18

    Would be a wonderful capability for our clients as the schools with a Wide and Diverse Course list. having multiple Course selecting and bulk excluding can save an immeasurable amount of time. 

  • Joshua Blice commented
    April 23, 2018 17:33

    I would love to be able to select each course that should be excluded. This was how it was setup when I started with Blackbaud 3 years ago and it was very helpful. I would not forget courses to exclude because I could see the full list and select each one.

  • Guest commented
    April 20, 2018 20:16

    Alternatively, simply adding the ability to Select All within the exclusions interface might be an effective way to reduce the time required to create a GPA specific to a small number of courses. Staff at The Emery Weiner School would greatly appreciate such functionality be added to the configuration options.

  • Guest commented
    November 29, 2017 21:59

    While this ability would be useful, we have a lot of calculations, and also a lot of courses which should never be included in them. For us, it would be preferable to have one of the following:

    1. The option to exclude from calculations in the Course > Grading settings.

    2. The option to apply weighting in the Course > Grading settings, including a value of 0, which could be applied to Grades, and not just GPAs.