Specify the error messages on medical forms

A user was experiencing an issue submitting a medical form and the only error he received was "Error Form Validation". It would be better if the error message was specific and if we knew exactly why he was receiving the error message. 

  • Guest
  • Sep 28 2017
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  • Lisa Oslowski commented
    15 Sep, 2022 05:47pm

    I agree. This year submitting medical forms was a huge issue for families. MANY got error messages.

  • Gregg commented
    12 Sep, 2018 06:02pm

    We continually have the same issue year after year.  What I have learned is that allergy and condition start dates are not entered the same from one year to the next.  For example a parent includes a nut allergy in a students first year in the school with a start date for the allergy of 4/21/2004.  When filling out the medical form in year two the parent enters the start date for the same allergy as 5/31/2005.  This is one common cause of the validation error.  A great way to resolve this would be for the form to display the allergies on students record and request that the parent review and confirm the allergy information and log a date for the confirmation. 

    The other medical form error I have experienced is when you specify show and require the state (or province?) but not the country.  Parents will not see the state field to enter/select a value even though it is a require field and is set to "show".   There are several ways to help us avoid this issue as well.  Simply show the country field by default when the state field is set to show.

    Fixing these two issues would save a lot of people a whole bunch of aggravation.