Request Learning Centre twice Course Requests

I would like the ability to request the same course more than once. We have a course called "Learning Centre" where students are assigned "Blocks" of that course based on their needs. In several instances, a student needs two or three blocks of Learning Centre, and thus we would like to request the same course multiple times.
  • Guest
  • Sep 3 2015
  • Implemented
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    • Guest commented
      February 21, 2018 19:00

      I am seeing multiple ideas regarding this same topic.

      Please implement this.  Your customers need it.

    • Dawn Rossi commented
      October 18, 2017 12:46

      I'm so excited to see that this has been implemented. Thank you!

    • Guest commented
      May 18, 2017 18:30

      I. too, need to be able to have students request the same single-semester course for more than one semester in a given academic year.  It has been very difficult using the online sign-ups without students being able to select a course in first semester and select it again in second semester.  Despite having used the online signups, I have had to go through student worksheets to find all the duplicate requests that could not be entered online.  Additionally, I cannot then go to my department chairs with valid signup information since it is not contained in the system.  Patty Boman

    • Carol Vila commented
      May 18, 2017 18:22

      This would really simplify the process for us since certain humanities courses can be taken multiple times, e.g. Concert Band, Jazz Band, Studio Art, etc.

    • Guest commented
      May 18, 2017 17:46

      We need to allow students in the IB program to take the same course over 2 academic year. We are in full support of Graham's request.

      Thank you,


    • Graham Getty commented
      May 18, 2017 16:56

      We really need the ability for students to request and take the same course multiple times for credit as they could in Education Edge. Creating multiple versions of the course when it's really the same course is suboptimal (looks weird on Transcripts, what's the differenence between CourseName1 and CourseName2 or CoursNameA and CourseNameB. We currently have to do a hybrid paper and online course request procedure because a student can't request an arts course such as Ceramics for both fall and spring. We'd have to create two courses "Ceramics Fall" and "Ceramics Spring" or "Ceramics A" and "Ceramics B". We really need the course request and schedule maker to take requests for just "Ceramics" and if there are 4 requests in fall and 8 requests in Spring, then create a session in Fall and session in Spring.

    • Ralph Huygens commented
      February 15, 2017 01:38

      Why don't you just create a "course" called Learning Centre2?

    • +1