Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-256 Date Effective for Changing Course Sections.

Course section change effective dates to reflect true change Merged

Administrators, teachers, and students would benefit from this change.  When a course section needs to be changed, the system asks for an effective date.  When this type of change is made in the system, the change is made immediately instead of the effective date.  This potentially can cause many problems and false information for all involved in the change. 

For example, as a platform manager, I had to change a student's schedule around.  I wanted her to have the same class, but on a different day, time and sometimes teacher.  Being proactive, I made the change in the system 5 days earlier with the correct effective date.  Unfortunately, the system made the change that day and the students grades from the original teacher disappeared.  The change was to be effective the first day of second quarter to allow the original teacher to enter his/her grades for the student first quarter.  To remember to change the student's schedule on the effective date, can cause potential problems if the platform manager does not make the change immediately the morning of.  Problems that can occur: 

  • The new teacher will not have her in the class for attendance purposes, grades, etc. 
  • Administration will not know where the student is suppose to be, etc. 

Having the effective date be the actual date of the change, will eliminate problems for everyone and allow the task to be completed sooner with efficiency.

  • Guest
  • Oct 19 2017