Sort order for Grade Translations

A sort order in Grade Translations would be fantastic as you could make sure that if you have a point based system and are using translations for the text about that point (1 = Area of Concern) for instance. You can make sure that they sort properly instead of being out of order based on the Grade Label.

  • Guest
  • Nov 15 2017
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  • Jessica Huddleston commented
    January 10, 2022 19:51

    Being able to sort grade translations will also aide in the legend included in the report card.

  • Kathleen Peak commented
    January 20, 2021 13:45

    This is so important. We need to be able to sort the translation table like we can in all other areas of BBSIS

  • Rick Geyer commented
    June 26, 2020 17:16

    This should not be considered an enhancement request. Why would I want to arbitrarily sort my grade translation table by alphabetical order? I want it sorted by either the numeric equivalent or I just want the ability to set the sort order so that when the scale prints on the report cards it is not misleading.

    In our Pre-K we use a scale of G - Good, S - Satisfactory, N - Needs Improvement. When the key prints at the bottom of the report card it prints as G,N,S and there is no way to re-order this. This is very misleading and causes questions every single time we issue report cards. How has this not been addressed yet?